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GHR Active August 100Km Challenge

Challenge registration is closed



01/08/2020 to 31/08/2020

Challenge Criteria

Current Stats

Participants - 122
Total Distance - 8774.6 Km
Total Workout Time - 1464 Hrs

Rules And Details

Free Registration!
- Aim to complete a TOTAL of 100km distance in August.
- Participant with the least total time comes on top.
- Top 3 male and female will receive goodies from Fast n Up.
- Top 50 on the leaderboard will get a craft souvenir.
- Make sure to practice physical distancing to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
- Follow local guidelines on curfews and lockdowns.
- Sum of all strava workouts of type Run / Virtual run/ Walk will be considered.
- Manual workout uploads to strava will not be considered in Leaderboard calculation.
- If you exceed 150km monthly total and are also part of the GHR August 200 and/or GHR August 300km challenges, you will be considered in the higher distance leaderboards only.
