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I agree to abide by all the COVID-19 safety guidelines provided by local authorities in my region while participating in this event. I will provide a secure email ID/mobile no that I can access regularly, since this will be our primary means of communication. If i use email services that offer filtering/blocking of messages from unknown email address, I will add the email id [email protected] to my address list. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the organizers shall be deemed as received by the runners. I am aware that engaging in sports activities such as running, cycling or walking is an extreme sport and can be injurious to body and health. I take full responsibility for participating in this virtual event and do not hold the organizers, Goals.Fit, sponsors or any of the members or entities responsible for any injury or accident. I shall consult my physician and undergo complete medical examination to assess my suitability to participate in the event. I also assume all risks associated with participating in this event including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat or humidity, traffic and the condition of the road, arson or terrorist threats. I agree that the organizers or shall not be liable for any loss, damage, illness or injury that might occur as a result of my participation in the event. I acknowledge and agree that my personal information can be stored and used by the organizers or Goals.Fit or any other company in connection with the organization, promotion and administration of the event and for the compilation of statistical information. If this registration is being made on behalf of a minor, I confirm that I am the parent / guardian of the child and that he/She has my permission to take part in the event. I further concur that all the above rules shall apply to him/her as if he were a major.

For and in consideration of Active Heritage Promotion Pvt Ltd Goals.Fit permitting the participant to enroll and participate in this virtual event ("Race"), Participant, by enrolling in the Race, hereby voluntarily indemnifies, releases from liability, and holds harmless for any accident, injury, illness, death, loss, damage to person or property, or other consequences suffered by Participant or any other person arising or resulting directly or indirectly from Participant's participation in the Race. In the event that Participant is injured, Participant agrees to assume any financial obligation, either through Participant's personal health insurance, or through some other means, for any medical costs which Participant incurs. assumes no responsibility for any medical expenses, injury, or damage suffered by Participant in connection with the use of any facilities or services in connection with this Activity. Participant is aware of the potential dangers incidental to engaging in the fitness activities in the race. Participant agrees that this is a release of liability, a waiver of the participant's legal right to collect damages in the event of injury,death or property damage.

30 Day Running Challenge by #42kmstore

Ajay Reddy
Ajay Reddy
Challenge registration is closed



01/01/2021 to 31/01/2021

Challenge Criteria

Run 30 days in a row, minimum 1km per day.

Current Stats

Participants - 117
Workouts - 3258
Total Distance - 22174.8 Km
Total Workout Time - 4189 Hrs

Rules And Details

✅ Conditions
Run 30 days in a row, minimum 1km per day.
At least one workout per day should be of 1km or more. If you miss the streak on any day, count resets to 0 and next 1km will be counted as the 1st.
Activity should be marked as Run/VirtualRun/Walk in strava.
Strava is mandatory - screenshots, web urls will not be considered.
Ranks will be calculated based on total number of streak days - highest number of continuous days gets top rank. If there is a tie, then higher distance will get better rank. Ranks are updated every 3 hours automatically.
Manual workouts will not be considered.

🏆🏆🏆 Prizes -
1. First three get a coupon code to select any apparel from the website ( for free.
2. 20% discount to all finishers at the website (

⚠️ Note -
One individual is eligible for one winner prize only across all FreeVirtual Challenges. That is, if you have won a winner prize in any of the other FreeVirtual Challenges then you will not be eligible for the winner prize in this challenge and vice versa. Your rank on the leaderboard will still be displayed.
No restriction on number of participation rewards (if any) you can win - to be eligible, you need to have at least one qualifying workout for the challenge.
