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2gather Club 100 BP on 01-Mar-2020



About the Event

Tour De Khedbhrama VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:30 Starting PointPost Office Himatnagar Route Map:

Mehul Joshi - DNS

Meet Patel - 06h 03m

Ketankumar Gadhavi - 06h 37m

Chirag Patel - 06h 03m

Nitin Rami - 06h 37m

Mohomadyasin M Doi - 06h 37m

Dhruv Joshi - 06h 22m

Neel Patel - 06h 03m

Jay Panchal - 06h 03m

Nasirhusen Noormohamed Vadaliwala - 06h 36m