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Bangalore Randonneurs 200 BRM on 05-Dec-2020



About the Event

KGF 200K - 2020 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointFKCCI Complex, KG Road Route Map:

Pritish Abraham - 12h 17m

Fazil F - 09h 00m

Jayaprakash Narayanasamy - 09h 00m

Prakash Ishwar Magadum - 10h 43m

Chandrashekhar A Murthy - 11h 51m

Madhu Mandanna K A - DNF

Praveen Ashok - 12h 10m

Ankit Yadav - LF

Grinshina Kartik - 11h 00m

Janmejay Singh - 10h 55m