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Bangalore Randonneurs 300 BRM on 18-Feb-2017



About the Event

Mysore Airport New VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 12:40 Starting PointAirlines Hotel, Off Lavelle Road Route Map:

A beautiful route taking riders from Bangalore to Mysore on the Mysore Road HWY

Murali Sundaram - 17h 55m

Praveen Jantli - DNS

Suraj Padinjarute - 19h 10m

Mallikarjun Hadimani - 18h 20m

Aatish Chandak - 16h 10m

Malcolm Carvalho - 18h 30m

Eshwar S Devaramane - 19h 10m

Prakash Balan - DNS

Ashfaq Tp - 18h 20m

Vijayakumar Shanmugam - DNS