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Bangalore Randonneurs Fleche BRM on 06-Feb-2016



About the Event

Kodaikanal - South India Fleche VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 00:00 Starting PointCentral Silk Board Route Map: Additional Facebook:

Kodaikanal - South India Fleche

Silvester Rajpaul Joseph Jayapaul - 24h 00m

Sanath Kumar S D - DNS

Pawan Kumar - 24h 00m

Jins Paul - 24h 00m

Deep Singh Ranawat - 24h 00m

Yuvaraj P - 24h 00m

Shunmuganathan Athi - DNS

Gautam Ramini - DNS

Mohan Subramanyam - 24h 00m

Athiyaman Valayapathy - DNS