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Calicut Pedallers 400 BRM on 23-Jul-2022



About the Event

Calicut(CW) - Coimbatore - Calicut (CW) 2022 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:20 Starting PointCafe Werkstatt, kozhikode Route Map:

From coastal town of calicut to the steel city and back with a bit of rolling terrain .

Kannan Sasi - 25h 53m

Chandan Save - 25h 53m

Sandeep Unnimadhavan - DNF

Abhijeet Abhyankar - 24h 37m

Shynesh Thattarakkal - 24h 19m

Moncy Palathinkal - DNF

Seena George - DNF

Tintu Shaj - 27h 00m

Manoge SebastianGeorge - 27h 00m

Arun Sasidharan - 26h 52m