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Delhi Randonneurs 400 BRM on 25-Feb-2017



About the Event

400 Jaipur VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:15 Starting PointCyclofit,Stores Route Map:

Vinay Jani - 24h 09m

Anubhav Agarwal - 23h 54m

Srinivas B - 25h 09m

Hartej Pal Singh - 25h 09m

Dhananjay Garg - 22h 22m

Henry Pervez - 23h 55m

Gautam Verma - 25h 08m

Rohin Raina - 24h 00m

Parampreet Singh Kochar - 25h 07m

Gaurav Yadav - 23h 47m