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Madras Randonneurs 600 BRM on 18-Sep-2015



About the Event

The Road Hammers BRM -600 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 16:00 Starting PointJust Buy Cycles, Velachary Route Map:

Jaye Vigneshwar Athmanathan - 39h 52m

Suresh Gadigachalam - DNS

Venkataraman Rajagopal - DNF

Surendar Mohan - 35h 43m

Bharath Vr - 32h 31m

Shunmuganathan Athi - 31h 14m

Deepak Babu - 38h 47m

Mukesh R - 37h 18m

Sudhakar Kuppusamy - 39h 04m

Gunasekaran Muthusamy - 38h 08m