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Nagpur Randonneurs 150 BP on 15-Aug-2021



About the Event

Zero Mile-Karanja Toll-Zero Mile VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:30 Starting PointZero Mile Route Map: Additional Information: Facebook: Event Blog:

Zero Mile to Karanja Toll Plaza and back


Parvez Ali - 10h 11m

Jetane Gopwani - DNS

Ram Bonde - 08h 57m

Saurabh Sathe - 08h 17m

Aniket Jha - 08h 05m

Malinath Koli - 08h 57m

Chetan Mendhe - 09h 52m

Sachin Sahu - 08h 44m

Akshat Kumar - 07h 30m

Shubham Narkhede - 07h 55m