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Nagpur Randonneurs 600 BRM on 17-Dec-2022



About the Event

600 ORR Raipur and Back VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointSanvidhan Square Route Map: Additional Information:

Bombay Optician to Haladgoan U Turn to ORR to Bhilai U turn to South Airport Metro Station

Jai Prakash Singh - 32h 53m

Parvez Ali - 38h 20m

Swati Kulkarni - 37h 54m

Jitesh Thakkar - DNS

Ajay Kulkarni - 37h 54m

Jitendra Parmar - 38h 22m

Ashish Choudhari - 36h 24m

Pooja Harban Singh - 37h 12m

Rajesh Chansoriya - 32h 47m

Amol Rege - 37h 09m