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Nashik Cyclist 600 BRM on 07-Sep-2019



About the Event

600 BRM Nashik-Dahivad-Nashik-Gunjalwadi-Dwarka VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointMumbai Naka, MyLan Circle, Nashik Route Map:

Map Route Link: Detail Links : a) Mumbai Naka, Nashik - Hotel Sahas, Chopraphata, Dahivad b) Hotel Sahas, Chopraphata, Dahivad - Bodke Plaza, Dwarka c) Bodke Plaza, Dwarka, Nashik - Vanashree Restaurant, Gunjalwadi d) Vanashree Restaurant, Gunjalwadi - Kharbanda Park, Dwarka, Nashik

Santanu Chakraborty - 37h 49m

Ganesh Kalamkar - DNF

Rajendra Kotame - 39h 23m

Bhushan Rane - 39h 09m

Himanshu Thuse - 36h 05m

Ganesh Mali - 38h 34m

Manisha Raundal - 38h 34m

Mallareddi Narasimha Kumar Harish - DNS

Aba Patil - 39h 51m

Arun Thore - 39h 53m