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Pcmc Cyclists 200 BRM on 06-Nov-2022



About the Event

Heritage Bhuleshwar & Veer Dam 200BRM VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:05 Starting PointDecathlon Store Wakad Route Map:

This is a new route for 200BRM. This BRM route connects three historical places Bhuleshwar - Saswad & Shirval. This us pretty simple and beautiful roue which starts from Decathlon store Wakad and goes to solapur highway till Yavat. Then route pass from beautiful and Ancient Bhuleshwar Temple and further goes to Veer Dam via Saswad. its very scenic route from Saswad to Veer Dam. After Veer Dam route heads to Shirwal which connects to Bangalore Highway. Finally route ends at Decathlon Wakad Store.


Sacchitanand Uttekar - DNS

Himanshu Shah - DNS

Dinesh Thakan - DNS

Sagar Shirbhate - 10h 20m

Sameer Kokane - DNF

Amit Mangalwedhe - 13h 20m

Nagamalleswara Rao Settineni - 11h 01m

Chandrashekhar Patil - 10h 48m

Umesh Talane - 10h 46m

Sushilkumar Kadam - 12h 09m