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Pune Randonneurs 100 BP on 15-Mar-2020



About the Event

100 K Pune - Karla -Pune - with new control VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:20 Starting PointChandani Chowk Bavdhan Route Map:


Mangesh Natu - 04h 36m

Ratnakar Gore - 06h 44m

Sandeep Dravid - DNS

Anuraag Bharadwaj - DNS

Samir Ganu - 04h 29m

Manoj Deshpande - 06h 40m

Yogesh Yawalkar - 06h 10m

Smita More - 06h 20m

Reshma Pimpley - 06h 05m

Varsha Shinde - 05h 05m