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Raipur Randonneurs 300 BRM on 20-Dec-2020



About the Event

Raipur >> Saraipali >> Raipur (Brm 300) VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:30 Starting PointTHE BICYCLE HUB Route Map:

Raipur >> Maa khalari Dhabha >> Pithora >> Checkpoint @151 km at Saraipali Bypass and back to raipur via same route

Anupam Awasthi - 17h 56m

Vineet Panjwani - 17h 56m

Devendra Naidu - DNF

Prem Kumar - DNS

Sourabh Virani - DNF

Suresh Dua - 16h 38m

Vinod Singh - 15h 00m

Manish Rohra - 17h 56m

Nishith Pandey - 17h 51m

Navsharan Garcha - 16h 06m