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Rajkot Randonneurs 300 BRM on 04-Nov-2017



About the Event

BRM 300 Kutiyana VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 16:00 Starting PointRotary Midtown Library, Amin Marg, Rajkot Route Map:

Rajkot-Kutiyana-Rajkot (Porbandar highway)

Clement Raj - 13h 23m

Kamlesh Viradia - 18h 10m

Vikas Patel - 18h 10m

Devang Joshi - LF

Nitesh Garala - 19h 16m

Pareshkumar Babaria - 13h 23m

Shilpen Gondalia - 16h 33m

Nilesh Goti - 18h 40m

Rohit Jadeja - LF

Kamlesh Hadvani - 13h 45m