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Sonepat Bicycleclub 400 BRM on 20-Mar-2021



About the Event

HAPPY400 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:00 Starting PointCycleworld Sonepat Route Map:


Sandeep Kumar - 24h 05m

Hukam Singh - 22h 10m

Prasun Bhattacharya - 22h 10m

Tarun Rastogi - 22h 10m

Mukesh kumar - 18h 23m

Badrud Zama - 23h 10m

Bhuwan Chandra Bhagat - 24h 05m

Md Saleh - 26h 25m

Pawan Dhingra - 22h 10m

Ankit Jain - 22h 50m