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Surat Randonneurs 600 BRM on 17-Sep-2016



About the Event

Surat - Ahmedabad - Surat Rev. 00 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointMTB College, Athwa Gate Route Map:


Akhilesh Dalia - 38h 25m

Divyesh Gandhi - 36h 27m

Tushar Trivedi - 37h 44m

Rahul Sharma - 37h 39m

Raghvendrasinh Jhala - 30h 57m

Ketan Khambhayta - DNF

Clement Raj - 36h 26m

Bharat Oza - 35h 29m

Vyomesh Parmar - 36h 47m

Pankaj Srivastava - 37h 09m