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Tri Goa Foundation 150 BP on 15-Oct-2023



About the Event

Brevet Populaire Hawaii Garden 150KM VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:15 Starting PointTrinity Beach Route Map: Facebook:

Trinity Beach-Cavelossim Bridge-Quepem-Pai Palace (Nr.Bolshe Circle), Loutolim-Cortalim-Old Goa-Patto-Cortalim-Chicalim-Baina-Dabolim-Majorda-Trinity Beach


Achintya Kambli - DNS

Nilesh Hegu - 07h 18m

Vikrant Sonpitale - 09h 17m

Ivo Costa - 08h 06m

Vishwajit Faldesai - 07h 00m

Ajay Jadhav - 08h 06m

Mackenzie Rodrigues - 09h 46m

Satchitanand Kamat - 07h 21m

Sunil K Verma - 08h 06m

Samrat Pai Kakode - 09h 46m