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Vijaywada Randonneurs Fleche BRM on 22-Feb-2020



About the Event

FL2020 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointRider Specific Route Map:no map specific

Riders need to propose their routes, which will be validated by the Ride Responsible

Suren Babu Maddipoti - 24h 00m

Kolla Sarath Babu - 24h 00m

G V K Sharath - DNS

Samrat Kondamuri - 24h 00m

Mahesh Nemani - 24h 00m

Chnv Bhaskar Reddy - 24h 00m

Gopala Raju - 24h 00m

Mallikharjuna Rao Paruchuru - 24h 00m

Prakash Rao - 24h 00m

Bhaskar Viswanadham - 24h 00m